Writing Marathon 2010
Crossing over a bridge in a car. The bridge is a tall road bridge, spanning a wide river. From the passenger seat of the car the camera shows one last glimpse of land before turning to the side to show the river bellow. The riveted iron beams that reach up to the suspension cables flash past. In the side mirror there is the reflection of the car. There are boats using the river. A tugboat pulls a much larger ship carrying containers away from the bridge. The camera pans across to show the view from the windscreen of the car. The bridge is long. There are two lanes of traffic. In the lane beside the car is a flatbed lorry transporting what look like red scaffolding, or maybe they are pipes. The camera pans back round and show the view behind. The tugboat and the ship are much farther away now leaving a long white trail of foam in the water. The iron uprights pass at regular intervals. They are painted dark green. The camera moves back to the front, and the river turns back into land. The bridge links two parts of the same city. There are buildings, cars and roads. There are a few trees. The camera moves to the front. The traffic slows as it comes to the end of the bridge. There is a large silver pickup truck in front. It slows down almost stopping. The camera moves to the side one last time and shows a large industrial building covered in graffiti.
The stage is dark; two spotlights from either side meet in the middle and theatrical smoke leaves a thin blue mist. A tall silhouette slowly strolls towards the microphone, the mist parts as he moves into the light, and the gentle applause stirred by the soft piano introduction grows into loud cheers and whistles as the man draws out the first lines “When you’re weary, feeling small.” He grasps the microphone stand with both hands “when tears are in” the applause dies down “your eyes” he lifts his head up and gently sways and his nostrils flare “I will dry…” takes his right hand off the microphone stand and puts it by his side “…them all” he pauses, takes his left hand off the microphone stand and puts it down to is side “I'm on your side” his head rocks smoothly with the piano “ooooohhh, when times…” he clasps his hands together “get rough” he puts his left hand back on the microphone, takes a deep breath raising his shoulders and slightly pushing out his chest “and friends just cant…” he squints, his shoulders are still raised “…be found” a quick deep breath “like a bridge over…” he lowers his shoulders slowly “…troubled water” his hands are back at his side with open palms swaying as he sort of walks on the spot to the rhythm “I will lay me down” he takes a small step back from the microphone and looks to his left. His head is obscured by darkness as he moves but the spotlight quickly pulls up to follow him. The piano flutters. The crowd begin to cheer again. The second spotlight moves from the centre slightly to stage right revealing a second microphone stand and a shorter man in a light green t-shirt moves into the light. The second man begins to sing, gesturing with his left hand and holding the microphone with his right “when you’re down and out” he is now holding the microphone with both hands “when you’re…” the first man looks on, half in the light, still gently swaying “…on the street” the second man raises his left hand to shoulder height slowly pushing out his palm “When evening falls…” he lowers his left hand whilst singing the word ‘falls’ “…so hard” and twists his head to the side sweeping his lowered left hand from in front of him to the side “I will comfort you” there is more freedom in his singing, he draws out and cuts shorts different syllables, playing with the rhythm. “I’ll take your part” he’s gesturing with his hands again, fluttering his fingers as if he’s playing an invisible piano “when darkness comes” the backing music is louder and he raises his voice “and pain is…” he’s singing much louder than the piano now and he’s looking upwards “…all around” both of his arms are outstretched and he flicks his head whilst unexpectedly adding “its just” in two short syllables “like a bridge…” he’s shaking his head “…over trouble water” he lowers his voice “I will lay me down” he clasps the stand and brings his head closer to the microphone “like a bridge over troubled water” he takes his hands back off the stand pushing his hands down in front of him, raising his shoulders “I will lay me down” The crowd begins to whistle and cheer again, there is a cymbal crash and a piano interlude, the second man moves out of the spotlight, the first man steps back to his microphone stand and keeps his arms by his side, the second man returns to stand by his side with a green guitar that matches his t-shirt the cheers die down along with the piano and the percussion twinkles and a soft electric bass is introduced, moving together toward their microphones they begin to sing in harmony “Sail on silver girl” they both bob up and down when they start singing “sail on by” the second man is the more animated of the two, despite now having the guitar “Your time has come…” the first man’s nostrils are flaring again “…to shine” the music softens slightly “All your dreams…” the second man is shaking his head “…are on their way” he steps back slightly and the first man begins to sing solo again “See how they shine” he stares intensely forward and is almost grimacing as he widens his mouth “If you need a friend” the second man returns to his microphone, harmonising “I’m sailing right behind” the first man is really belting it out and is holding his forward stare “like a bridge over troubled…” they both pause “…water” the first man is singing solo again “I will ease your mind” the second man turns to face the band and walks towards the drum kit, his back to the audience, “like a bridge over trouble water” the first man’s voice is faltering he’s singing so passionately, his long arms are outstretched revealing his veins, he takes a deep breath and raises his shoulders up and his head right back “I will ease your…” he looks like he is screaming “…mind” he sustains this final word until he runs out of breath, then drops his head with a sharp flick and the crown shout and yell, madly applauding whist the second man finishes along with the band’s crescendo, allowing the first man to take the limelight, the second man removes his guitar and the two walk hand in hand, the first man is so much taller than the second man. They finish by bowing and waving to the audience and walk off stage together, their arms linked over each others shoulders.